We all know life can be breathtakingly beautiful and it can be drop you to
your knees hard. No matter your current life situation, our blankets,
scarves and gifts can be used daily as a touchstone, a tangible way to
connect to your strength, your resilience…. to the center of who you TRULY are.
“Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.”
- Leonard Cohen
Sit comfortably with your Held In Love blanket. Close your eyes and breath deeply in and out through your nose. Allow the busyness of the day fall away as your relax your shoulders and soften your jaw. Drop into your heart.
Picture yourself gently surrounded by angels wings, a golden light, or loved ones past and present. Allow this loving circle of energy and support to embrace and comfort you for as long as you'd like.
When you are ready, place your hands over your heart and say, "I love you." If this feels too
hard, imagine saying it to your 3 year old self.
Notice all you are grateful for.
You are held in love.
A Simple Daily Ritual
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